There are a few steps to learn how to hit the ball. When I ask youth baseball hitters, what is the first step to get prepared for ball hitting? I get several different responses and for the for the most part they realize there is something we do to get our bodies prepared to hit. The question is when do we as youth baseball hitters do it, and what is it? Teach how to hit the ball

Load Early
I like to say Load Early, and the key word is, early. When is early? Once a pitcher get somewhere in the leg raise portion of the windup, the hitter needs to be doing something to get their body ready to hit including “keeping your eye on the ball” is extremely important, but not to get dazed. Any youth baseball hitter who is standing in the box and is not ready will have a tough time being a successful hitter.
I personally think the loading early and getting your feet right are two of the most important segments of youth baseball hitting, that is why I place such an emphasis on it. Before we can ever hit, we must have our feet in the right position and our body ready for ball hitting.
Hitters Weaknesses
Every hitter has their weaknesses. Perhaps it is a low, outside strike. Maybe they have difficulty with anything off speed, or pitches on the inside half of the plate. The strike zone, from the knees to the letters, ranging from the inner half to the outer half of the plate, is actually a fairly large area to cover with a 28-34 inch bat. Great hitters understand this, and they discipline themselves to lay off pitches they know they struggle with early in the count. This is good to know as young players learn how to hit the ball.
Hitters Strengths
Successful hitters understand their strengths as well. They understand the pitch they hit the hardest and most consistently. For me, it was the fastball up and in. When I saw this pitch, my eyes lit up, and I was swinging from my heels. What is your best pitch to handle? What pitches give you trouble? These are very important questions you must ask yourself. Once you know the pitches you like and dislike, you are well on your way towards developing a successful plan for hitting the ball.
Have A Plan
Every hitter must have some type of plan before they enter the batters box. If they don’t, its similar to driving on the freeway without a road map. Sure, you can adjust to the curves in the road, but you have no idea where you are going. You might be going in the wrong direction, or you might be leading yourself towards a dead-end. Hitting works the same way. You might be successful a few times without a hitting plan, but in the end, you will fail much too often to be considered a dangerous hitter.

A hitting plan starts with an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses.
If the fastball at the knees is your best pitch, look for it early in the count. More importantly, sit on that pitch when the count is 2 and 0 or 3 and 1 (called hitters counts, because in these situations the pitcher can ill afford to throw a ball).
Use The Count
I have seen countless high school hitters who have become stars by banging out hits on 2 and 0 or 3 and 1 counts. The reason for this, is they know the pitcher has to throw a strike in this situation, and usually for a high school pitcher the fastball gives them the best chance to hit the zone. Successful hitters understand that. They step out of the box, and program their heads into thinking fastball—if it’s there, especially if the place is where they like it, you can bet they’re hacking.
Along the same lines, if the count is 2 and 0 or 3 and 1, never swing at a pitch that is in a place you cannot hit hard. This is when it is important to know your weaknesses. My weakness was a low, outside pitch. I would refuse to swing at this pitch, except with two strikes of course. When I had a hitters count, I would step out and say to myself, “look fastball up and in—anything else take.” I had a plan. I was looking for a specific pitch. If it was not there, no big deal—I still had plenty more pitches to see during that at bat.
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Just Because Its A Strike…
Remember, because of the strike zone’s size, there are strikes that might not be good pitches to hit. Lay off these pitches early in the count. When you see your pitch, take your best swing at it. Work the count in your favor so the pitcher has to come to you. Always try to be on the offensive, rather than the defensive when at the plate and trying to hit the baseball.
This article has been adapted from its original version. For the original version check out… Andy Pohl, DNA / SportsDNA Sports specializes in personalized baseball and softball skill programs, college recruiting education and preparation, and coaching clinics. Learn more: