Drills for Keep Your Eye On The Baseball | Youth Baseball Hitting Drills

Here’s two youth baseball hitting drills designed to help keep your eye on the ball? As a youth baseball coach or parent, have you ever told a youth baseball player to keep his eye on the ball? How about don’t pull your head out!  As coaches and parents we hear and or say  these statements at almost every youth baseball game.

Warning !

This Baseball Hitting Package won’t make you popular with opposing coaches.
How to WIN more games, have more FUN, and be the kind of youth baseball coach your player’s will LOVE and their parents will BRAG about.

First we have to realize what causes a baseball player to not watch the ball. We all know you can’t hit what you can not see. And yes there is a baseball hitting drill to help keep your eye on the ball. baseball hitting drills

There is basically one of two reasons a baseball player is not watching the ball or keeping his eye on the ball..
1. Trying to hard pull the ball… stepping away from the plate, not hitting the pitch where it is thrown
2. Attempting to hit the ball too hard… swinging for the fences!

Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of home runs and deep hits but we need to learn hard contact first.
Here’s what a youth baseball coach can do to help players be better hitters.

Keep your eye on the baseball youth hitting drills

A fun way to get kids to practice focusing on the ball is during batting cage time. You can do this soft toss, live pitch, and machine pitch. This just enhances an existing batting drill and requires no additional practice time.

get dozen baseballs
Get some colored permanent markers ( bright colors like blue and red)
put a filled in red circle(about quarter to half-dollar size) on 4 baseballs
Do the same with 4 blue and leave 4 as is

Now as you do your batting drill as scheduled in practice and do your drill in reps of 12. The player can call out blue,red,white.
We prefer to have the hitters do a round calling out each color, and then a round or two with random requests by me for the color.

Baseball Hitting Drill | keep your eye on the ball part 2

Place a piece of brightly colored masking tape or paint a stripe about  4 inches wide around the sweet spot on the barrel of the baseball bat. The sweet spot is about 4 inches from the end of the bat, varies slightly according to the size of the bat.

During batting practice the hitter uses the striped baseball bat and attempts to hit the baseball on the striped part of the bat. The hitter is now  trying to correct his own problem. This is a very good way to teach younger and more experienced players to try hit the ball hard with the right part of the baseball bat.

For more youth baseball hitting drills

Keep your eye on the ball hitting drills